What does National Physical Therapy Month Mean to You?
October is National Physical Therapy month, which means it is time to celebrate the great strides we have made in our profession.
What does National Physical Therapy Month Mean to You?
Rock Climbing, Part 2: Prevention and Treatment
Climb a Rock
Strava and Kudos: How this App is Motivating People to Maintain their Fitness
Foam Roller Exercises: Were it All Began
Breath and Your Health
Let’s Talk Dirt: Cycling in Nevada County
Is Degenerative Disc Disease a "Disease"?
Is lifting with a straight back safer than lifting with a rounded back?
Skiing and Snowboarding Injury Prevention
What Your “Gut Feeling” Might be Telling You
Optimism and Mortality
Is Stress Good for You?
Pot and PT
The Healing Powers of Nature
Feed Your Passions and Everyone Wins
Spring and Specificity of Exercise
Sex and Back Pain
Sleep Health: The Science Behind a Good Nights' Sleep